Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) are negative thoughts that occur automatically in our minds in response to certain situations or triggers. These thoughts are often irrational, distorted, and unhelpful. They can be self-critical, pessimistic, and focused on worst-case scenarios. 

ANTs can have a significant impact on our mood, self-esteem, and overall well-being. Recognizing and challenging these negative thoughts is an important part of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and other therapeutic approaches.

"I always mess things up."

"Nobody likes me."

"I'll never be able to do it."

"Everything is going wrong."

"I'm a failure."

"I'm not good enough."

"I'll never be successful."

"Everyone else has their life together except me."

"I'll never find love."

"I can't do anything right."

These thoughts are often automatic and may occur without conscious effort. It's important to challenge and reframe these thoughts with more realistic and positive alternatives to promote a healthier mindset.

I sometimes struggle with this, and it really takes a lot of mindfulness to overcome. It often makes it hard to see the good in people if you have trust issues, which makes you suspicious of people's kindness. Sometimes I even internalize that sentiment when I express support or engage in acts of kindness to others, and here comes the negative thought - "you're only doing that so that you'll get something in return. You're just seeking some kind of karmic reward."

No, I'm not. How about I just have a good heart? I genuinely like to help or support people whenever I can. It's these type of negative thoughts that can cause me to slip into depression and anxiety if left unchecked. That's why it's very important that I feed my mind positive affirmations in defense.

Challenging and reframing negative thoughts promotes a healthier mindset by increasing self-awareness, evaluating evidence, finding alternative perspectives, reducing emotional distress, improving problem-solving, and enhancing self-esteem. It helps break free from negative thinking patterns and fosters a more balanced and constructive mindset for better well-being.

Here are some strategies you can use to challenge negative thoughts: 

1. Identify the negative thought.

2. Question the evidence supporting it.

3. Find alternative ways to look at situations in a more positive light. 

4. Look for evidence that contradicts the negative thought.

5. Consider the worst-case scenario and realize it may not be as bad as you think.

6. Challenge cognitive distortions. Don't overgeneralize or take everything personally. 

7. Practice self-compassion and replace self-critical thoughts with kinder ones.

8. Seek support from trusted individuals.

By implementing these strategies, we can develop a more positive and realistic mindset.

Life is like a journey where we can't control the weather of our minds. In reality, we can't control the weather outside, but we can adapt and prepare for it. Similarly, we can learn to navigate through our thoughts and emotions. We can develop coping strategies and find peace amidst the chaos. 

Just as we carry umbrellas or wear appropriate clothing to protect ourselves from the rain, we can cultivate self-care practices and seek support from others to help us through difficult times. We can embrace the unpredictability of our minds and learn to accept and understand our emotions, knowing that sometimes bad weather can be just a natural part of the journey.

Peace & Blessings 


Dwan M. Green

SQUASHING THE ANTs | Augmenta Health  


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