Satori is a Japanese Buddhist term that refers to a sudden moment of enlightenment or awakening, often described as a profound spiritual experience or realization of one's true nature. 

It is a state of deep understanding and insight that transcends ordinary consciousness and can lead to a sense of inner peace, clarity, and liberation from suffering. 

Satori is often associated with Zen Buddhism and the practice of meditation and mindfulness.


In 2022 (Universal Year 6), I experienced an awakening after a psychedelic experience that placed me on a spiritual path towards enlightenment. This transformation was so powerful that I felt compelled to document it in a book. This is just one of many ventures I have in the works. 

Early on in life, I've always felt some awareness that I was on a spiritual journey. I now understand that journey as a process of soulful growth that surpasses any human experience. This new awakening led me to a heightened connection with myself and a feeling of divine presence that I had never felt as strongly as I do today. 

Describing this concept to others was challenging, but I likened it to a significant shift in perception and perspective. Some describe it as a veil being lifted or activation of the third eye (aka The 6th Chakra or Sixth Sense). 

It was a moment of Satori, a deep connection to something greater than myself that guided me with confidence and granted me with a new sense of purpose. It led me to stop questioning and instead start seeking which brought upon me an abundance of wisdom. 

I no longer felt the need to search outside of myself for the answers. When I started to go within through mindfulness and meditation I started to find the things in which I had been seeking. Knowledge seemed to be drawn to me effortlessly as I embraced this new journey.

To pursue my dreams, I understood the importance of having a clear path ahead. This clarity required a well-thought-out plan, which was revealed to me through an elevated state of consciousness. It started to become evident that my life would be filled with more opportunities and fewer obstacles, guided by this newfound spiritual vision.

From this heightened awareness of possibilities, the concept of SatoriPath Visions emerged. This vision was not just a dream but a tangible roadmap to follow, leading me towards a future filled with purpose and fulfillment. 

Through SatoriPath Visions, I embark on a journey of self-discovery through ventures that foster harmony and spiritual growth while embracing the transformative power of my awakening.

Peace & Blessings


Dwan M. Green


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