Agave Atenuata Green Succelent Plant
Photo Taken By: Dwan M. Green

Gold Barrel Cactus
Photo Taken By: Dwan M. Green



Following the profound experience on May 26th, I felt a shift within me, as if my spiritual essence had been upgraded as well.  Suddenly, I gained a deeper comprehension of the psychic abilities that had always resided within me. For countless years, I had been perplexed by the presence of tiny orbs of light that would frequently dance around in my peripheral vision. They seemed to materialize particularly when I had a moment of enlightenment or revelation.

Curiosity consumed me, leading me to consult both my primary doctor and an optometrist, omitting any mention of the epiphanies, yet their medical explanations fell short. No answer could be found.

However, after embarking on that transformative psychedelic journey, a newfound understanding dawned upon me. Those radiant orbs of light were not mere optical anomalies, but rather manifestations of the spiritual realm. They represented the presence of spirits, while the epiphanies I experienced were akin to receiving spiritual downloads. Over time, these occurrences grew in frequency and intensity.

A spiritual download is like getting a special message or information from a higher power. It’s like when you download a new game or app on your smartphone, but instead of it being a game, it’s a message that helps you understand things better. It can give you new ideas, insights, or even make you feel more connected to the world around you.

I vividly recall one of the initial spiritual downloads I received, which centered around the concept of mass consciousness. Prior to this revelation, I possessed no knowledge of such a phenomenon. Yet, after the initial revelation I began stumbling upon an abundance of information regarding universal consciousness, which essentially encompasses the idea of mass consciousness.

Universal consciousness is a concept that suggests everything in the universe is interconnected. This means that all living beings, such as plants, animals, and humans, possess a unique form of awareness. It’s as if we are all members of a large team, capable of sensing and comprehending each other’s thoughts and emotions. It’s like having a colossal brain that unites us all.

Have you ever marveled at the synchronized movement of a flock of birds or a school of fish, as if they were guided by a single mind? Universal consciousness embodies a similar idea, and as humans, we possess the potential to tap into that collective unity of thought, just like animals do.

I have also come to realize that there is no room for coincidence in my beliefs. Instead, I have embraced the notion of divine appointments. Every encounter, every experience, and every synchronicity that unfolds in my life is not a random occurrence, but rather a purposeful meeting orchestrated by a higher power.

The events that transpired on that fateful day, May 26th, were not by chance. They were divinely orchestrated to awaken within me a deeper understanding of my spiritual journey. It was as if the universe conspired to guide me towards a profound realization of my own psychic abilities and the interconnectedness of all things.

- Dwan M. Green

You're The One

Designed By Primo Styles

Flower of Life Decal


The Christ consciousness flower of life is a spiritual symbol that represents the interconnectedness of all living beings and the divine energy that flows through everything in the universe. The flower of life is a geometric pattern made up of multiple overlapping circles that form a flower-like shape. It is believed to hold the blueprint of creation and the fundamental structure of the universe.

The Christ consciousness aspect of the flower of life symbolizes the divine energy and love that is present in all living beings. It is associated with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the idea of embodying unconditional love, compassion, and unity with all beings. By meditating on the flower of life and connecting with its energy, one can tap into the higher consciousness and spiritual wisdom that it represents.

Overall, the Christ consciousness flower of life is a powerful symbol that can help individuals deepen their spiritual connection, expand their consciousness, and align with the divine energy of love and unity. It serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all beings and the universal presence of divine love.



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