
HEALTH TIP: Trust Your Gut/Gut Health

 INCREASE YOUR INTUITION AND GUT FEELING |  Mike Chang THE CONNECTION BETWEEN YOUR GUT AND INTUITION  Have you ever experienced a "gut feeling" or an intuitive sense that guides your decision-making, even without conscious reasoning? It turns out that there is a fascinating connection between your gut and intuition.  THE GUT-BRAIN AXIS The gut-brain axis refers to the bidirectional communication between the gut and the brain. This intricate system allows these two organs to interact and influence each other. Within the gut, there are millions of neurons that can send signals to the brain. Additionally, the gut is home to a diverse community of microorganisms known as the gut microbiota. THE ROLE OF GUT MICROBIOTA Recent research has shed light on the role of gut microbiota in influencing brain function and behavior. These microorganisms have the ability to produce neurotransmitters and other chemicals that can affect mood, cognition, and decision-making processes. Through the


  JUSTICE DER  Photo Courtesy Of: JUSTICE DER • COVERS |   Steezyasfuck JUSTICE DER • MISC. COVERS (SPOTIFY) JUSTICE DER  is a YouTuber and guitarist from Canada. He is known for his guitar covers of popular songs and his original music. Justice Der has gained a significant following on YouTube, where he shares his musical talents with his audience. His videos often showcase his impressive guitar skills and his unique interpretations of songs.  Many people enjoy watching his performances and learning from his tutorials. If you're interested in guitar music, you might want to check out Justice Der's YouTube channel for some great guitar content. Peace & Blessings  🎸 Dwan M. Green JUSTICE DER • FEELS LIKE SUMMER • CHILDISH GAMBINO (GUITAR COVER) JUSTICE DER • CRANES IN THE SKY • SOLANGE (GUITAR COVER) JUSTICE DER • CHERISH THE DAY • SADE (GUITAR COVER)


  THE AKASHIC RECORDS   According to esoteric beliefs, the Akashic records are a metaphysical library or database that contains information about every soul's journey throughout time. It is said to be a collective consciousness that stores the experiences, thoughts, emotions, and intentions of every individual who has ever lived. Accessing the Akashic records allows individuals to tap into this vast source of knowledge and wisdom. By connecting with the records, people can gain insights into their past lives, understanding how those experiences have shaped their current life and patterns. This can provide a deeper understanding of oneself and facilitate healing and personal growth. One of the benefits of accessing the Akashic records is self-reflection and healing. By exploring past lives and understanding the patterns and lessons they hold, individuals can gain clarity about their current challenges and make positive changes in their lives. It can help them release old traumas, pa

PHOTOS OF THE WEEK: The San Diego Natural History Museum

Photos Taken By:  Dwan M. Green THE SAN DIEGO NATIONAL HISTORY MUSEUM  The San Diego Natural History Museum, also known as theNAT, is a museum located in Balboa Park in San Diego, California. It was founded in 1874 and is the oldest scientific institution in Southern California. The museum's mission is to inspire a passion for the natural world through education, research, and exhibits. The museum's collection includes over 8 million specimens, including fossils, minerals, plants, and animals. The exhibits cover a wide range of topics, including the natural history of Southern California, the biodiversity of the region, and the evolution of life on Earth. In addition to its exhibits, the museum also offers educational programs for all ages, including school field trips, summer camps, and adult lectures. The museum also conducts scientific research in fields such as paleontology, botany, and ornithology. The San Diego Natural History Museum is a popular destination for both loca


  THE PROBLEM WITH IDENTITY POLITICS  I've come to a realization that who I am encompasses a lot of different identities but none of them define me. I used to be a person who took great pride in those identities, until I began to understand that along with the great pride, I was carrying great burdens. When you are a part of a marginalized group, it makes you want to fight for what's right. But when you spend your entire life fighting, it leaves little room for living. You become consumed with "the struggle" and begin to view life through a lens of pain and resentment. Don't get me wrong, I will advocate for all, but I refuse to activate in a way that causes me undue stress. I am more than any one of my identities, and I make no apologies about how I choose to participate in identity politics. So if I'm not man enough, black enough, gay enough, disabled enough, or even spiritual enough for anyone's taste, then that's their problem to deal with and not


  AUTOMATIC NEGATIVE THOUGHTS (ANTs) Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) are negative thoughts that occur automatically in our minds in response to certain situations or triggers. These thoughts are often irrational, distorted, and unhelpful. They can be self-critical, pessimistic, and focused on worst-case scenarios.  ANTs can have a significant impact on our mood, self-esteem, and overall well-being. Recognizing and challenging these negative thoughts is an important part of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and other therapeutic approaches. "I always mess things up." "Nobody likes me." "I'll never be able to do it." "Everything is going wrong." "I'm a failure." "I'm not good enough." "I'll never be successful." "Everyone else has their life together except me." "I'll never find love." "I can't do anything right." These thoughts are often automatic and may occur


  THE FEATHER Feathers hold significant spiritual symbolism in many cultures and belief systems. Here are a few of the most common interpretations: CONNECTION TO THE DIVINE  Feathers are often seen as a symbol of connection to the spiritual realm or divine beings. In some traditions, they are believed to be messages from angels or spirit guides, signifying their presence and guidance in our lives.  ASCENSION & ENLIGHTENMENT Feathers are associated with growth, transformation, and spiritual evolution. Just as birds shed their old feathers and grow new ones, feathers symbolize the journey of the soul towards higher consciousness and enlightenment PROTECTION & GUIDANCE Feathers are believed to offer protection and serve as a reminder that we are always supported and guided by higher powers. They can act as a talisman, providing comfort and reassurance in times of need. BALANCE & HARMONY  Feathers are often seen as a symbol of balance and harmony. They represent the delicate ba


FKJ & TOM MISCH |  LEEPLAY GONE WITH THE WIND  Love came in like a feather One with a gentle caress The magnificence of that feeling  Like everlasting breaths Now a rollercoaster of emotions I don't know where to begin Could it be I drank the potion  But now it's gone with the wind Sails of bright red orange  Against fluorescent blue skies My eyes attempt to take it in  Braced myself to catch surprise Almost drowned in the ocean  While I surfed towards the shore Don't want this dream to ever end  But now it's gone with the wind Candles burned with hearts' desire And knees so weak with wonder Waves splash down on flames of fire Storms rage with light and thunder Oh, how it could have blossomed  Or how it could have been Destiny touched hands with fate But now it's gone with the wind A hurricane of confusion  A tailspin of emotion Trying to figure out where lies the sentiment in this devotion Calling names in the dark  Reigniting every spark Expressed love fro


BEST FRIEND My eyes are uncovered And in truth I'm now submerged I'm losing a piece of reality And it feels not like I've been purged My thoughts are consuming my happiness With losing a kindred soul I thought you were my friend But you left me out in the cold You said you would always be there You expressed it through the days So how do you expect I should feel When our lives went their own separate ways I confided my life within yours All my hopes, my dreams, and my sorrows And you left me without a trace To determine my own tomorrows It's hard to think that someone Someone I put trust in so deep Could turn their back so quickly Laying our friendship to sleep So I guess now I must be careful Who my heart accepts as a friend You taught me a lesson in trust Thought you'd stay till the end Dwan M. Green Age 23 2003 Throughout my life, I've had several best friends, both male and female. I don't believe in the rule that you can only have one best friend. My fr

PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Alchymist Rose

  Photo Taken By: Dwan M. Green ALCHYMIST ROSE  The Alchymist Rose is a beautiful and unique variety of rose. It is known for its stunning apricot-colored blooms that fade to soft yellow as they age. The Alchymist Rose is a climbing rose, meaning it can be trained to grow on walls, trellises, or fences.  It is a vigorous and hardy plant that is resistant to diseases. The Alchymist Rose is highly fragrant, with a sweet and fruity scent. It is a popular choice for gardeners who want to add a touch of elegance and romance to their outdoor spaces. The Alchymist Rose is also a symbol that holds great significance in alchemy. It represents the transformation and purification of the soul. The rose is often depicted with multiple layers of petals, each representing a different stage of the alchemical process.  The innermost layer symbolizes the prima materia, the raw material from which all things are formed. As the petals unfold, they represent the successive stages of purification and refine


  MY HEART SPEAKS  The more I think about it, the harder it is for me to believe that it was 27 years ago when I wrote my first poem. I'm not a poet with tons of poetry under my belt, but for the number of poems I have written, I take great pride in them. There was about a 15-year hiatus where I didn't write much at all. Life transpired, leaving me with little time to reflect. Or if I did have the time, I was consumed with processing my emotions in a way that didn't involve writing. It wasn't until I started on this path of enlightenment that my passion was reignited. Now, I'm at a point in my life where I am as creative as ever, and I'm also more attuned to my intuition. This has led me to begin many projects, feeling that I have finally found my voice and I have so much to say. So, after 27 years, I am proud to have published my first book of poetry. It's named after the first poem I ever wrote titled, "My Heart Speaks." It is a collection that d


  HOMOSEXUALITY: IT'S ABOUT SURVIVAL NOT SEX • JAMES O'KEEFE |  TedX Talks Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene expression without any changes to the underlying DNA sequence. While the exact causes of homosexuality are not fully understood, research suggests that a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors may play a role. Some studies have explored the epigenetic factors that could contribute to sexual orientation. Epigenetic marks, such as DNA methylation or histone modifications, can influence gene expression patterns. These marks can be influenced by various factors, including environmental factors and experiences. However, it's important to note that the research in this area is still ongoing, and no definitive conclusions have been reached. Sexual orientation is a complex trait influenced by a variety of factors, and it is unlikely that a single epigenetic mechanism can fully explain it. It is crucial to approach the topic of homosex


  RICHARD WRIGHT  (Sept. 4, 1908 - Nov. 28, 1960)  Photo Courtesy Of:  The New York Times Richard Wright was an American author, best known for his novels and memoirs that explored the African American experience in the early 20th century. Born on September 4, 1908, in Roxie, Mississippi, Wright grew up in poverty and faced racial discrimination throughout his life. He died on November 28, 1960, in Paris, France. Wright's first major novel, "Native Son," published in 1940, tells the story of Bigger Thomas, a young African American man living in Chicago who becomes entangled in a series of violent events. The novel explores themes of poverty, racism, and the psychological effects of oppression. It became a bestseller and brought Wright national recognition. In 1945, Wright published his memoir, "Black Boy," which recounts his childhood and young adulthood in the segregated South. The book vividly describes the hardships he faced growing up in poverty and the raci


  THE SPIRIT OF INTIMACY BY SOBONFU SOME  Photo Courtesy Of:  Amazon "The Spirit of Intimacy" by Sobonfu Some is a book that delves into the significance of intimacy in our lives and relationships. Sobonfu Some, an African spiritual teacher, shares her wisdom on cultivating deeper connections with ourselves, others, and the world. The book emphasizes intimacy as a source of healing, growth, and spiritual fulfillment, covering various aspects such as relationships, community, nature, and spirituality.  Through personal stories and teachings, Sobonfu Some encourages vulnerability, authenticity, and connection, while respecting boundaries and autonomy. The book promotes presence, mindfulness, and gratitude in interactions, highlighting the power of listening, empathy, and compassion. Ultimately, it guides readers towards a profound transformation and deeper connection with themselves, others, and the world. SOBONFU SOME • The Spirit Of Intimacy • CHAPTER 13 - Homosexuality: The